Well – I finally did it! Yep – I joined the host of random bloggers!  “Why?” Well – I’m not sure really…but I know “Why now?”

This morning, I was SO infuriated with trying to log-on to online banking to check that my HUGE donation into their ‘brand new’ savings scheme had actually arrived (as it had departed my bank account last week!) that I had to tell ‘SOMEONE’ and that ‘SOMEONE’ might as well be YOU!

I mean – I COULD tell every member of my family, or each and every one of my friends the boring details of my rant – but THEY might not want to listen – so if I just rant at YOU for a moment or two – well, YOU don’t have to listen, or carry on reading, and I won’t even know or be offended.

So …. my blogging will be about the random events in my life – my thoughts and feelings, the highs and lows, life as I experience it. If you want to travel with me a while then you’re welcome my friend, but if this is too boring or tedious for you – then ‘thank you’ for your time and go on your way with my blessing!

Now – back to my rant – online banking!  As I said, last week I opened a new account and transferred some money into the account. Naturally this week I wanted to make sure it had arrived safely – so I logged on only to find that my username was wrong. I had written it down, used a name I was familiar with (my own!), but no – the website failed to recognise it. Clicking on help I was informed that I had only opened my online account last week – so of course they couldn’t send me a reminder of my username. If they knew I had opened an account last week – they MUST know who I am!!!!

AND while I’m on the subject of websites – have you ever thought how lucky you are if you were born on 1st January 1912? No? Why ever not? Whatever website you try to join – the default date of birth is 1st January 1912 – why???? Do you know how tedious it is to be born at the end of the month and at the end of the year? Scrolling down all those numbers, months and years to try to find your own??? Has anyone written to all the centenarians born at the beginning of January 1912 and told them of their luck??? It’ll take them a lot less time to fill in their forms than anyone else! Just pity those born at the end of December 2012 (not that they’ll be logging on for a while yet!)  Go on – check it out – see if I’m right!